What are dreams?
Do they have a purpose, and do they have a
significant meaning? Existing theories are the Freudian theory that
attributes disguised meanings to dream content, and the
Hobsonian theory
that reduces them to experiences of disordered brain activity.
The Freudian theory gives dreams hidden meanings, and the
Hobsonian theory denies that they have any significant meaning at all.
Yet our immediate intuition about dreams is that they are little movies
that we experience and take part in. If dreams are movies, do they have
producers and script-writers and directors and all the other personnel
required to make one?
Dreams are normally
Dreams are often bizarre and
incoherent. And finally, most of them are completely
forgotten when we awake.
We can compare those characteristics to those of a cinematic movie.
The creation of a cinematic movie is a purposeful
activity. We can ascertain an overall purpose, which is something like: to
give the movie-goer an exciting, emotional, disturbing or satisfying experience.
Can we ascribe a similar purpose to dreams?
The possibility that dreams are purposefully constructed
by a dream-maker suggests an alternative interpretation of non-lucidity:
dreams are non-lucid because
this intensifies the experience.
One specific phenomenon that is given an interesting
interpretation by this theory is that of
realising that you are dreaming
and then dreaming that you wake up. Dreaming that you wake up is the
same thing as no longer realising that you are dreaming.
If there is a dream-maker, who or what is it ? If we
are not to believe in supernatural beings accompanying us in our sleep, the dream-maker
must reside in some part of our own brains. Presumably it is found in some or all of
those regions specially active during dreaming.
What is the overall purpose of the dream-maker's dreams?
I have given some reasons why we can believe that dream-making is a purposeful
activity, and whatever the purpose is, it is one that requires dreams to be experienced
as if they were real. Unfortunately I can only speculate as to what this purpose
actually is. It may for example be some sort of testing or
Careful study of dream content may shed more light on this
question. Better understanding of the mechanisms that hold the dream-maker
accountable for the success of its dream-making
may also give some clues.
See also: this update